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Sample WDF Driver for Sealevel Digital I/O Kit


This is the WDF sample driver that demonstrates how to use the features of the Sealevel Digital I/O Kit. It includes sources and build procedures as well as testApp source code. We'll probably never get around to writing a WDM driver for this nice, simple, device (who wants to write a WDM driver when you can use KMDF?), but between this and the docs provided, it should be relatively painless to figure out.

We're very interested in?hearing comments on this driver from users of our Sealevel board. Post your comments using the link below.

(What?? You don't have a Sealevel Digital I/O Kit?? Go on over to the hardware section of the Online Store and buy one!)



Version: V3.1
OS Support XP and later
Date Updated: 17 April 2007
Author: OSR Staff

V3.1 adds support for the new model (8018) of the DIO-24 card to the INF file. No other changes.

V3.0 adds a cancel routine to prevent a hang when attempting to unload the driver while waiting for an interrupt. Also, updated SOURCES and INF files to work with the WDK (in addition to the Windows Server 2003 SP1 DDK) and the official release of KMDF (V1.0 and later). Also, removed the pre-build executables from the ZIP archive (if you can't figure out how to build it, what are you doing downloading it).



Number Of Downloads
This utility has been downloaded 14782 times.

User Comments
Rate this utility and tell the community how well you like it. Is it a worthwhile download? Does it work as described?? Does it help you in your job as a driver writer or tester?
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"Regarding Sample Driver for the kit"

The link for downloading sample driver for the sealevel kit is inactive. Any update on when this link will be activated or any other place where i can find a WDF sample for this kit.

30-Jul-14, Manish Mehta

"When will the (64 Bit driver sources) download be avaiable again?"
This sample is now withdrawn since 25 Jan 2013. Without the sample, the Sealevel Digital I/O Kit seems useless for me. When will the (64 Bit driver sources) download be avaiable again?

03-Jan-14, Uwe Volz

"KMDF Download help"
I am not able to download this sample. Help?

28-Jun-13, ankit bhatia


06-Jan-13, CUI MING

"Mass storage kmdf lower filter driver"
How to create a mass storage KMDF lower filter driver to communicate with the mass storage by user commands?

29-May-12, Happy Sheu

"Sealevel driver"
Is it just me or does this driver not actually do any I/O whatsoever? Maybe I'm missing something.

02-Apr-09, John Wilson

"how to use the code"
Are there some instructions on how to get this code into the DDK tree and build it?

08-Dec-08, ed collins

"WDM driver sample"
Is there any WDM sample available for this PCI card.

thanks, Subbu

08-Dec-06, subburaj Ramasamy

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