This utility has two views: (a) one view that will show you the entire PnP enumeration tree of device objects, including relationships among objects and all the device's reported PnP characteristics, and (b) a second view that shows you the device objects created, sorted by driver name. There is nothing like this utility available anywhere else.
What's new in DeviceTree V2.30
Signed the driver and application, updated USB/PCI Ids. Works for XP thru Srv2008R2. ?3 Images, x86,IA64,X64 are now provided to cover all platforms
Version: |
V2.30 |
OS Support |
XP, Server 2003 , Vista , Win7, W2K8 X86, X64, and IA64 images supplied |
Date Updated: |
22,Mar 2011 |
Author: |
Number Of Downloads
This utility has been downloaded 68002 times.
User Comments
Rate this utility and tell the community how well you like it. Is it a worthwhile download? Does it work as described?? Does it help you in your job as a driver writer or tester?
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Thank you.
04-Mar-17, ilker uz
"do not support win8.1"
this application does not support win8.1
24-Jul-16, Tyan Boot
Good to me! Thank OSR!
15-Mar-16, vector huang
"All good in 64-bit systems"
Many thanks!!
Need start 640bit version.
23-Jun-15, Vladimir Khludenkov
"Don't work in win7 64-bit"
Don't work in win7 64-bit. Wrote: "Unable load and start obj info"
What to do?
23-Jun-15, Vladimir Khludenkov
Thanks, helpful tool!
28-Apr-15, gao wenwu
"Good Tool"
Thank you!
23-Mar-15, Tom Cheng
"Update for Win2012 available?"
I get a message that it won't run on my OS.
19-Mar-15, Nabeel Al-Shamma
12-Dec-14, Sergey Kalkamanov
Iam run in Win7 x86 and view: Unable to load and start OBJINFO driver
18-Jan-14, miyepowi miyepowi
"oh~ Thank you"
windows8 64bit success!! ok!! Thankyou~~
25-Nov-13, jiwoo kim
"devicetree on Win7 64bit"
Downloaded devicetree. Dissappointed to get the error message "Incompatible with this version of Windows." Nothing in the disclaimer or a noticeable option to download 64 bit version.
12-Nov-13, Karl Duggin
powerful tool! thanks.
22-Sep-13, Ray Z
"very good"
good tool for driver devlopen
16-Jun-13, sh y
"device tree"
usefull tool ,very nice
11-May-13, qinghai liu
"Dosent work on 2012"
The utility do not work on 2012 server.
02-Jan-13, Nilesh Samant
"Very well"
03-Oct-12, zclsucc zclsucc
"Good Tool"
My wish is for the search to allow wildcards or partial word searches.
03-Aug-12, Wynn Smith
"Good Tool !"
Very good tool. Thanks for sharing.
11-Jul-12, Ray Z
"Win8 doesn't work"
When I try to run Device Tree tool then got error message as below * Message 1 : Unable to CreateFile * Massage 2 : Unable to load and start OBJINFO driver
21-Jun-12, Chiu Jiun Hua
"No Support In win 7 amd64"
Displays unable to load Driver and Start service error
22-May-12, Gaurav Kumar Singh
"Excellent tool!"
Windows 8 support anytime soon?
15-May-12, James Austin
"Very useful!"
Great , Thanks!
"I can't use this tool under Windows Server 2008 R2"
I have got a problem with SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces when Enum the PCIe Device under Windows Server 2008 R2.Why not support this system?
06-Mar-12, wang jian
18-Jan-12, wang jian
23-May-11, J T
"feature request :D"
can you create an option to dump the information in xml or a log file? then compare 2 log files using another tool... thanks!
06-May-11, Edgardo, Jr. Diaz
"great tool"
thanks, it is a useful tool
11-Apr-11, l u
Thanks a lot!
Actually the size of this tool is 4.3M.
14-Mar-11, lin juwei
"Feature request"
Add Save as text file menu option for the tree. Would be very helpful in resolving driver issues remotely.
20-Jan-11, Vladimir Pastukhov
"Great tool, but"
also encounters the second run fail problem on win7 x64: unable to run and load objinfo driver.
02-Jun-10, xiang wan
"thank you"
thank you
13-May-10, l rh
"Wrong Size"
Great utility, size posted for download is way off (557KB vs. 4.3MB)
03-May-10, Ben Britton
"windows 7"
very good
08-Apr-10, HyonIl Ra
"Failed on 2nd run on Win7 x86"
If I close the application and try it again at later time, the error "Cannot start service" will occur. Restarting the machine solve the problem.
07-Apr-10, Rudy Hartono
"Bug Report"
Hi, i have downloaded V2.21 and use DeviceTree.exe under \wxp\i386 folder. First time running utility, it's ok. Once exit and run again, it shows some error message, like "Cannot Create Service","Cannot Start Service","Unable to load and start OBJINFO driver" etc.. I tried this on platform Windows XP with SP2/SP3. BTW, V2.20 is ok.
12-Mar-10, Danny Xie
"devices tree"
very thanks perfacts
24-Feb-10, driver develop
thanks tree
24-Feb-10, driver develop
"Can't device tree start second time"
Hello. I used Xp version, and have a problem. After closing the program, i can't restart his. I have a message "unable to load and start OBJINFO driver". What is a problem?? Sorry for my english...
01-Feb-10, Alexandr Afonin
"cannot start service error on one WinXp"
Got same error as others reported. "Cannot create service" and other message shows up. The PC is a HP with Windows XP 2002 professional with SP3. It works on other PCs with exactly same OS. Any clue what service could be conflict with this one? TIA.
04-Dec-09, Strong Qu
"File system filter driver"
Hi I need to develop filter driver for partition.Kindly guide me to loading filter driver.
Regards, Latha HCL infosystems ltd
29-Oct-09, hemalatha moorthy
"Problem with signature in V2.21"
Turns out that the DeviceTree driver was incorrectly signed in the earlier version of this kit. I replaced it today (10/13/2009).
13-Oct-09, Mark Cariddi
"Issues on W2K8 R2?"
I get "cannot start service" followed by "unable to load and start OBJINFO driver" messages on W2K8 R2 x64. This is trying to run it from an administrator command prompt. I tried both the Win7 and WLH versions.
13-Oct-09, Jeff Bromberger
"great! it really helps!"
29-Jul-09, Wilson Hu
"a bug for devicetree"
The Type of the device object is always IO_TYPE_DEVICE, it is differ from the DeviceType of the device object.
28-Jun-09, y db
"It's very good!"
but,don't download?
28-Jun-09, y db
Doesn't work with Win7. Hope you guys update to support it
24-Jun-09, Jeff Myers
"Devicetree does work on x64 os's"
DeviceTree has been tested on x64 os's. It runs on XP-X64 (which is srv2003 x64) and all later X64 Os's. It currently does not support Win7.
11-May-09, Mark Cariddi
"Please add support to Win 7 and support for all 64 bit OS's"
I like this tool and use it often.
This tool does not work with xp/vista 64 OS's.
I maily use this tool along with irp Tracker to understand how the driver stack is built and how the whole things add up. And some times I use it to debug. Though MS has become good at WDK documentation, it doesn't give a clear structure of the pnp/device stack when it comes to supporting a new device. Here is where I find irpTracker/Device Tree to be very useful, it fills the gap that is left behind by MS.
Thus it would be great if OSR adds support for new OS's when they are in their Beta stage so that it would allow us to explore changes in the new OS.
Windows 7 support and full 64 bit support would make this a great tool.
Thanks, Senthil
10-May-09, Senthil Jayaraman
"device tree"
very good! thks!
03-Feb-08, zcl zcl
"Great Tool"
I am using this on Vista. It loaded the drivers quickly and is really helping me to keep track of the driver and device information on my system.
26-Jan-07, Nate Andrews
perfect,thank you
02-Oct-06, biao fan