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File Spy Utility

Another cool utility written by Windows system software expert Ladislav Zezula and graciously made available to the community.

This utility is a GUI program (with embedded auto-installing kernel mode driver) that tracks and displays file system activity on your system.? The file system filter driver that's used is a modified version of the FileSpy driver that's distributed as an example in the WIndows IFS Kit.

Finally, a GUI program that's more comprehensive (and more stable) than the well known "filemon" utility!? Because this utility uses licensed content from the Microsoft Windows IFS Kit, the source code cannot be distributed.? Please do not write to us and ask us (or Mr. Zezula) for the source code, cuz we're not going to send it to you.? If you want a copy of the FileSpy driver source code, you can get it from the IFS Kit.? Licensing information can be found here.

Version: V3.0.2.280
OS Support XP and later
Both 32- and 64-bit systems
Date Updated: 23 April 2007
Author: Ladislav Zezula


?FileSpy Utility -- Executable?only -- Zip Archive, 920KB

Number Of Downloads
This utility has been downloaded 16874 times.

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"Qihoo 360 Total Security flagged it as a ransomware..!!"
we,the Chinese love osronline.com I'll recommend your website to my fellow windows developers Thanks a lot guys All your utilities...especially the crash dump analyser is very useful


my 360 Total Security detected ur filespy utility as ransomware & moved it to quarantine.....why?

03-Aug-17, maharshi harish

"Excellent Tools"
Thanks the author of this Excellent tool

12-Sep-13, joe wang

"detected as virus"
NAV reports: Adware.Gen Detected As: Adware.Gen

12-Sep-10, ls vlntn

"Detected as adware"
Kaspersky Anti-Virus detected this file as: adware not-a-virus:AdWare.Win32.WSearch.br.

But the utility is very good... Excellent !

05-Mar-10, thiago brito

This might be a winner

05-Nov-09, Raymond Juich

While downloading this file my NOD32 scanner recognizes it as :

2/3/2009 9:19:52 AM HTTP filter file http://www.osronline.com/OsrDown.cfm/FileSpy_3_0_2_280.zip?name=FileSpy_3_0_2_280.zip&id=370 probably a variant of Win32/Adware.SearchAid application connection terminated - quarantined

Anyone else has problems with this?

03-Feb-09, ppp ppp

"FileSpy old version"
I just happened to go to the Help -> About dialog and click on the author's website address and clicked the FileSpy link to go to his page on it... and I noticed that he's got v4.x available for download. However the ReadMe.txt included is still the exact same v2.0.0 readme ;) There have been about 6 releases from the version here - v3.0.2.280 to the current v4.0.1.363 - and.. the History.txt file *has* been updated, so you can see what's new in each of those releases, which is what counts, anyway. Also, it says not to ask for source - but I wonder if a diff file for the relevant IFS kit might be possible... just a thought, really..

29-Oct-08, Andrew X

"FileSpy and Vista"
I am trying to use FileSpy on Windows Vista Business Service Pack 1, but it seems to crash everytime I try to start it. I run it as administrator, and, he seems to copy it's little driver in the system32\drivers folder, but after this the whole application crashes, in the way that the GUI is not responding and the gui windows is placed in the upper left corner of the screen and has very small dimensions. I don't know why it behaves like this, because I know it worked, but now it's just unusable. Can you please help ?

26-May-08, Gabriel Bercea

"Change Application Icon"
Well done !! One suggestion: Please change the application icon. It is difficult to trace the application in the Alt-Tab menu ;)

30-Jun-05, Abhijit Kulkarni

How did you do the embedded filter thingy, very cool. Is there docs somewhere on this?

03-Jun-05, Greg Silber

"Access denied errors"
Any ideas on what would cause an "Access denied" error when trying to attach FileSpy to a volume? Thanks.

23-May-05, Luis Arruda

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