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The program allows a user to manage the filter drivers for a Device Class or for a specific Device. This application has?two modes of operation, safe mode and unsafe mode. In Safe mode the user is allowed to view, but not modify the filters, while in Unsafe mode, the user is free to manipulate the filter drivers registered in the system. This application also allows the user to see all of the registry information registered for each device and device class.

What's new in?Filterman, V1.1

Now supports Windows .NET and Windows XP SP1.

Version: ?V1.1
OS Support: XP SP1, .NET
Date Updated: 15?October 2002
Author: OSR


?Filterman, V1.1 (for Windows 2000),?Zip Archive, 194KB

Number Of Downloads
This utility has been downloaded 8354 times.

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"How to do modifications"
If I remember correctly, the way to be able to do modifications is as follows. In the left pane select the entry you want to modify. Then click in the right pane so that that window is selected. Next go to the options menu and uncheck safe-mode. You should now be able to modify filters.

03-Nov-08, Mark Cariddi

"Re: switching modes"
As per Won-jang's comment from 2004 (with no apparent reply(?)) - I also have both options under the "Options" menu grayed out and disabled. Is there something that needs to be done to enable them? - Running WinXP Pro SP3. And as per other comment - source would be interesting - any hope?

31-Oct-08, Andrew X

"How to allow changes?"

a very interesting program!! I am just looking for a problem with my DVD-RAM [Windows 2003 x64] and it does not allow me to write to the drive....So I would just like to start to play with the filters, but I do not find a way to enable the modifications!

Would be great to see, how this can be done. I just tried experimental with a switch "/safe" ..... no result

Thanks, Manfred

14-Apr-06, Manfred Braun

"How can i switching between two modes..?"
Safe mode menu is checked and disabled.. Registry Parameters menu is also disabled..

15-Dec-04, Won-jang Son

"very good"
but do you have source file? i'm interesting in how it works!

23-Oct-03, gu yu

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